Description for Surgery Approval .
Patient Infornamtion
Pantient's Name : Hari Krishna
Date of Birth 11/12/2018 Gender Male
QID No : 00123 Nationality Indian
MRN No : 1234 Contact No : 8898544343
Surgery Initial Details
Surgeon Name : Dr. Ali Specialty : Excision of a Skin Lesion
Surgery Description The patient is evaluated to determine suitability for local anesthesia.
This includes a review of medical history, allergies, current medications, and any contraindications.
The procedure, risks, benefits, and alternatives are explained to the patient.
Approximate Length of Operation : 5 hours
Suggested Date : 12/03/2014 Suggested Time : 16:10:33
Duration of Stay After Surgery : 3 hr Anaesthesia Type : Local Anaesthesia
Needed Equipment/Supplies : Sterile Drapes, Antiseptic Soolution, Sterile Gloves.
Surgical Instruments: Scalpel, Scissors, Needle Holder etc
Pre Anesthesia Checkup Test

(Patient test are to be scanned and sent to appointment with anaesthesia doctor is to be scheduled 48 hours prior to the surgery)

(Patient will be reffered to WBM earlier 24-48 hours prior to the surgery to book an appointment to perform the needed laboratory test.The patient should have the doctor's referral for the tests and are to pay to WBM the test fees seperately.)

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